by Crystal Sierra | Ene 3, 2022 | Participación Comunitaria, Página Principal
With the hard work and dedication of residents and project partners, the draft Southside Terrace – Indian Hill Transformation Plan was submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on November 22. Now, a Choice Neighborhoods Implem
by Crystal Sierra | Ago 25, 2021 | Participación Comunitaria, Página Principal
The vacant building at Upland Park is about to change! Come help pick the improvements and take a look inside the building. Then, tell us what neighborhood improvement should happen next! August 28th | 4pm-6pmUpland Park Building (3031 Upland Parkway)
by Crystal Sierra | Abr 20, 2021 | Participación Comunitaria
On Monday, April 12th from 6 PM – 7 PM and Monday, April 19th from noon – 1 PM, The CNP Steering Committee (Omaha Housing Authority, the City of Omaha, and Canopy South) hosted an online informational session regarding the Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant
by Crystal Sierra | Abr 16, 2021 | Participación Comunitaria
Interested in sharing your story and lived experiences? In partnership with the National Public Housing Museum, we are working to collect oral histories that will be preserved and archived for generations to come! On Wednesday, April 14th from 6 – 7 PM the CNP Ste
by Crystal Sierra | Feb 11, 2021 | Participación Comunitaria, Página Principal, Participación de los Jóvenes
Beginning in February, office hours will be available for neighborhood and Southside Terrace residents to chat with CNP staff, become involved in the planning process, and give feedback. Introducing the new CNP satellite office to the community came with an outdoor Vale
by Crystal Sierra | Nov 7, 2020 | Participación Comunitaria, Participación de los Jóvenes
With large, in-person meetings on hold, we wanted to keep the discussion moving forward. So, we brought these meetings to the community – one conversation at a time. From August through October, the CNP Steering Committee has been engaging Southside Terrace residents on