With large, in-person meetings on hold, we wanted to keep the discussion moving forward. So, we brought these meetings to the community – one conversation at a time.
From August through October, the CNP Steering Committee has been engaging Southside Terrace residents one-on-one to more deeply understand needs, preferences, and ideas for improvement. Over 25 hours of informal community conversations were completed while engaging more than 100 individuals.
Through these conversations, we learned family-friendly spaces are a top priority – including the wish to provide youth and adults a safe place where everyone can thrive. Residents desired more youth activities like sports and other after school programming, enhanced public spaces, increased safety, expanded support services, and much more.
In-person engagements provide more than just the opportunity to gain feedback, but to build relationships within our community and develop strong connections with our neighbors. Through our conversations, we put faces to data points, context to suggestions, and names to ideas for the future.
The Community Conversations Report can be found here.